Thursday, April 16, 2015

RE: 3-D Lashes, Jamberry & Other Ways to Lose Facebook Friends by @ScaryMommy

I woke up this morning and looked on twitter, which I normally don't do. And I wish I hadn't today. It really put a damper on my entire day.

A twitter friend of mine posted how Facebook parties for Jamberry and Younique need to stop! That she is sick of being invited to them and isn't interested. She also posted this article from @scarymommy 3D Lashes, Jamberry & Other Ways to Lose Facebook Friends. I responded that these Direct Sales Companies are built to use Facebook as a platform and if it weren't for those parties, I would have no business.

Not to blast this girl, I think she's quite lovely, but she is in her 20s and is fortunate enough to have a great career in Advertisting, and I will assume makes much more money than me. I am in my 30s and work hard to make ends meet. I am a Daycare Teacher, and my husband is a Police Officer. We work hard at very important jobs that impact many people, yet we get paid hardly anything. I started selling Younique in 2014 as a way to supplement our income, and to help us get by. So, without these Facebook groups and parties, I wouldn't be getting the sales that I am.

Facebook has become a huge platform for people to advertise their business. Weather it is my Toddlers and Tutus page, Local Clothing Companies, Target, Nieman Marcus, and every other company ever. So, why not Younique or Jamberry?!? Do the clients my twitter friend advertises for ever say "I wish she wouldn't advertise to me!" Doubt it. Doesn't really make sense.

Facebook is great for Younique for many ways:

  • You can tell your friends you may not see in person all the time about how awesome the products are!
  • You can show pictures of you showing off the makeup and skincare, especially for people you don't see often!
  • You can list deals, in Younique they're called Kudos
  • You can do giveaways! (really, who hates those?!?!?!)
  • You can engage so many people at one time!
  • You can easily find a Presenter to purchase from
  • and so much more!
I've had a lot of people be in my group for months, and then finally purchase, and LOVE the product. IT just took them awhile to take the plunge. That's why I keep posting and trying to reach out. I want people to try and love this stuff! BUT if you aren't interested in being in the group you were added to and you aren't interested in the products:

LEAVE THE GROUP! It's that simple. LEAVE. THE. GROUP. 

No need to bash Younique, or Jamberry, or Tastefully Simple, or whatever.

At Younique, our motto is to Uplift, Empower and Validate women. You aren't doing that by bashing these women who are trying to meet their goals, pay their bills, succeed. As women, we really need to stand together and boost eachother. If we don't, who will?!?

But if you are interested in all the Younique hype, go to!

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